Product Overview
Master accounting is a simple standard book keeping system for keeping records of business finances, which consists of cash book, purchase day book, journal book and sales day book. The easy navigation and user-friendly interface of Master accounting system allows users to generate customized reports and modified graphical charts for their business information presentation.
With Master accounting software, business persons monitor their business performance, generate and maintain business information for performance evaluation as well as making important decisions to increase ROI.
Software Features
- No year end closing
- Support daily bank reconciliation features
- It offers user based access control
- It keeps debtor statements Up-to-Date
- Structure chart of accounts (up to 10 level of sub-account)
- It allows Unlimited Pre-Number document (e.g. invoices, payment voucher)
- This allows Book keeping for cash book, purchase book, sales book, and journal book
- This provides Automatic real time processing, analysis and reporting of financial data
Master Accounting With Billing Features
- It creates a Recurring Journal Template
- It provides recurring payment template facility
- It offers Credit Limit and Term Control Checking
- It generates invoices with Tax Inquiry
- It possesses document Attachment feature
- It handles debtor multi payment transactions
- It offers Supplier payment proposal option
- It provides and manages Advance Cash Book Information
- It also features with Cash Book by Monthly Inquiry
- It can generate income statement with Budget
- It calculates commission by Amount Scheme
- It calculates commission by Period Scheme
- It manages accounting function of Import Data from excel function
- It helps in fast entry for Cash Book, Sales Book, and Purchase Book
- It handles Multi Currency, Unrealised Gain / Loss
- It allow email / WhatsApp
- It can export / import Account book, year end process, report PDF file protected for email
- Billing for Multi UOM, Multi Location, Project / Job, Cost Centre & Landing Cost
Master Accounting with Billing performs accounting functions well to generate meaningful reports. It allows to export your reports to Microsoft excel or import master file from Microsoft Office. These financial reports enable you to make quick business decisions for your business.
Master Accounting with Billing is equipped with advanced accounting features to perform tasks with user-friendly Interface. With just basic accounting knowledge, user can get amazing benefits of accounting software. By just entering data, all complicated accounting calculations can be done in no time.